Factorio train no path
Factorio train no path


You can set a 'Trains limit' in the train stop GUI, and the train stop keeps track of how many trains are in the station or on their way to it, which we call a reservation. It is pretty simple, as good solutions typically are. For instance you can still end up with 10 trains rushing to a single small iron ore pickup, which can cause the trains to queue on the mainline and jam everything. You can somewhat relieve the issue using the circuit network to enable and disable the train stops, but it is only a half-measure.


This means that it can easily happen that all the trains end up only servicing 1 iron ore pickup, while there are other outposts full of ore with no trains coming to pick it up. They will path to an arbitrarily chosen train stop with the correct name, based on destination distance and a few other factors. However there is a small issue with the system, that completely breaks the idea. When you build a new train, just copy-paste the simple schedule, and it will start working effectively. When you build a new iron smelting, just name it 'Iron smelter', and a train will come deliver some ore. When you build a new ore outpost, you just name it 'Iron mine', and a train will come and pick up from it. When choosing a destination, the train can go to any of the train stops with that name, which means: That is to name all the ore stations the same, and all the smelting stations the same. There is a nice solution, which works (almost). With more mines and more smelting and more trains, this management becomes an incalculable problem, and frankly it is not fun (opinion). If an iron mine runs dry, then you need to rebalance the whole system, reassign all the trains from that station, and have some omniscient overview of all the different routes your trains are running. Now you need to start manually reassigning trains, trying to balance the throughput of the mines, and what else. You want to just copy-paste Iron smelting 1, and have half the ore go to Iron smelting 2. However there are some problems when you want to expand your production. The two trains have a similar schedule one goes from Iron smelting 1 to Iron ore 1, and the other goes to Iron ore 2. You build 2 ore outposts, and you set up 2 trains, 1 for each. So you build a nice railway to bring ore from dedicated mining outposts back to your iron smelter. So imagine the situation: You're sitting in your factory and you need more iron. This is a tiny story about Boskid's train related side project for a feature that was requested quite often ( 1, 2). To keep you happy until it is here, lets go through some of the changes. Though I'm quite certain that we are more than half-way through. Right now we aren't going to make any promises as to when it is coming, but we will keep you updated on our progress with these blog posts, and give some notice before it is deployed.


The work on the 1.1 update started basically right after the 1.0 release, so there is already lots to show. Believe me, the sentence "I didn't know I needed this until now" will come to your mind more than once. This may sound a little bit abstract and boring, but it will be explained more clearly in the upcoming FFFs. The point of 1.1 isn't to add some new content, the main motivation is to finalise all the existing features so that they work together in a proper way. I want to clarify, that we are not going to release FFF every week, but there are a few of them coming in the near future. Only one train at a time can utilize a two-way rail system anyway, so you never want to allow a train to wait on the line.We finished with the regular Friday Facts series, and yet, there is still so much we want to talk about. With chains everywhere, each train has to reserve its complete path to destination before it leaves the station.

factorio train no path

On a two-way system, the only safe places to stop are the stations, and a train can enter a station through a chain signal, so you you can just put chain signals everywhere: Rail signals allow a train to stop in that block, so only put them in places where a train can stop without causing a deadlock. Chain signals force a train to reserve the route ahead of time. Only put a rail signal where there is a section of one-way rail with no branchings or crossings, and long enough for a train to wait. Instead, just put chains down everywhere as your default. Any time a train can wait on a two-way rail, deadlocks are possible. Rail signals allow a train to wait in that block. This is the hazard of blindly following the "chain in rail out" rule.

Factorio train no path